It is in published works that Fondazione Lisio most concretely realises its mission to transmit and make known the heritage of creations, knowledge and knowhow, and activities that have only grown since the manufactory was founded in far-off 1906 and the foundation was established in 1971. A heritage which continues through today – or better, tomorrow, since we always look to the future in that spirit of ‘continuity’ and ‘experimentation’ that has always characterised our work.

The LISIO Foundation and FENDI
From 1997 to 2005, as well as for the groundbreaking fashion show held in 2007 on the Great Wall of China, the Fondazione Lisio has created velvets, brocades and silks decorated with antique motifs. Fendi has worked side by side the Fondazione Lisio for every phase of the articulated design process for twelve Baguette models, all of which have been created with hand-stitched fabrics produced on the Fondazione legendary looms.

Moda a Firenze 1540-1580 | Eleonora di Toledo
The book focuses on Eleonora di Toledo Duchess of Tuscany history and legend, florentine textile production and garments recorded in Elenora's wardrobe accounts.

Lisio and Historical Costumes
A monograph on historical reconstruction - using Lisio Foundation's fabrics - of costumes for the Orvieto Pageant and three different historical costumes coming from a private collection.

Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio | A first, important milestone 1971-2021
2021 is a milestone, or rather, a very important moment for the Lisio Foundation: its “Golden Anniversary.” The year commemorates the true love of that ancient, unique and sublime art of manually weaving silk, gold and silver with great mastery. This commitment has persisted unchanged for fifty years and today deserves to be celebrated with a publication that retraces the Foundation’s history and serves as a positive omen and a catalyst for successfully affronting future challenges.

E-book Statue sacre vestite

Arte della Seta Lisio - A bridge between the past, the present and the future
A century and three generations of absolute excellence in the creation of extraordinary Art Fabrics, all unique, incomparable masterpieces that have made Lisio’s name famous worldwide. From Giuseppe Lisio, to Fidalma - the daughter - the Lisio DNA was thus transferred to the institution which today expresses those codes, that transmitted imperative to expand on a tradition of excellence, to build bridges from yesterday to today to the future: a challenge and an invitation to carry their work forward – a challenge we are all committed to meeting with determination.

1906-2006 One hundred years of Lisio's Fabrics
This book's intent is to convey Giuseppe Lisio's creativity, aesthetic sense and love of an age-old textile tradition. This book cannot describe thoroughly the immense Lisio production, but it can certainly help to make better known the Foundation's unique contribution to the survival of an ancient tradition and to the production of "excellence".