Fondazione Lisio promotes and valorises the Italian and international textile heritage with exhibitions, study days, seminars and – above all – editing and publishing of the biannual magazine "Jacquard. Pagine di cultura tessile"

Events and Textile Culture
Sharing and promotion of textile culture have always been fundamental tenets of the Fondazione Lisio mission. In this section, we are pleased to be able to share events, new publications, and the experiences of our teachers, experts and students. We are always open to supporting new ideas and contributions to illustrating textile culture.

"Jacquard, Pagine di Cultura Tessile" Magazine
A reference for textile culture "Jacquard. Pagine di cultura tessile" provides a forum for scholars who conduct research and investigation in various fields of study relating to ancient and contemporary textiles: fabrics, embroideries, laces, tapestries, costumes and traditional regional textile productions.

It is in published works that Fondazione Lisio most concretely realises its mission to transmit and make known the heritage of creations, knowledge and knowhow, and activities that have only grown since the manufactory was founded in far-off 1906 and the foundation was established in 1971. A heritage which continues through today – or better, tomorrow, since we always look to the future in that spirit of ‘continuity’ and ‘experimentation’ that has always characterised our work.