Each conference can be held in conjunction with a guided tour of the manufactory.
Conference on request | ON SITE or ONLINE
Group up to 15 persons / € 150,00 each 60-minute conference | from Monday through Friday
Group or classes over 15 persons / €10,00 per person
Individual interested persons / check it up at "Events and Textile Culture"
Conferences in the Italian and English Languages
1. Fondazione Lisio: History, the Manufactory and Cultural Activities.
A presentation of the activities of Fondazione Lisio, from the start of the company’s history in 1906, through the two world wars and the years that saw the rise of Made in Italy, to the establishment of Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio in the 1970s, the expansion of the school, reordering of the archives and development of cultural activities.
2. Fondazione Lisio: Projects and Creations for High Fashion.
A description of how Lisio has collaborated with the haute couture fashion houses. In detail, this conference concentrates on the process of creation of fabrics for high fashion from the designer’s idea, through the various phases of research and weaving, to the finished product. Importance is given to Lisio’s experimentation with unusual materials and solutions, which has permitted the manufactory to seamlessly combine original design ideas with the practical work of weaving on the loom.
3. The Weaves of Silk. How to identify damasks, velvets, brocades and lampases. Applications in historic and contemporary fabrics.
This conference presents the elements typical of the various textile types with the aim of imparting an understanding their differences and the characteristics of each. Participants will also be shown how these fabrics are used in such goods sectors as interior decorating, complements and clothing/fashion.
4. Reconstruction of Historic Textiles. The Lisio Experience, Yesterday and Today.
An excursus through Lisio’s numerous and different experiences with reconstruction of antique fabrics destined for use in period costumes, decorating in royal palaces and liturgical paraments. The conference concentrates on the methods and processes involved – study and research, design aspects and preparation of the looms – required to ‘recreate’ the historical fabric that is the object of the reconstruction; that is, obtain a product with characteristics identical to the original.
5. Hand-Woven Velvet through History, in Interior Decorating and in Fashion.
The conference explores the historic techniques and characteristics of hand-cut velvet and the differences with respect to the 20th-century mechanical ‘a bacchetta’ (rod) and ‘doppia pezza’ (double cloth) techniques. Examples of textiles from the 15th through the 18th century, taken from the Fondazione Lisio historic archives, will be presented alongside velvets produced by Lisio from the early 1900s to the present.
6. The evolution of fashion and clothes through the works of art particularly Florentine from XIV to XV century.
Through numerous examples of works of art preserved in the Florence Museums, will be illustrated the models of the most significant clothes of the periods treated, both for men and women. Sartorial forms, technical and decorative details and patterns of fabrics will be examined in particular. Every slide is combinated with an ancient fabric from the Lisio Foundation historical archives or from the major museums of the sector.
7. The evolution of fashion and clothes through the works of art particularly Florentine from XVI to XVII century.
Through numerous examples of works of art preserved in the Florence Museums, will be illustrated the models of the most significant clothes of the periods treated, both for men and women. Sartorial forms, technical and decorative details and patterns of fabrics will be examined in particular. Every slide is combinated with an ancient fabric from the Lisio Foundation historical archives or from the major museums of the sector.
8. Flower and Fruit Creations in Fabrics (Le creazioni di fiori e frutta nei tessuti)
9. The Florentine Velvets: Evolution of the Principal Decorative Motifs from the 15th to the 18th Century (I Velluti fiorentini: evoluzione dei principali motivi decorativi tra XV e XVIII secolo)
10. The Florentine ‘Figured’ Fabrics from the 15th to the 17th century ( I tessuti “figurati” fiorentini tra XV e XVII secolo)
11. Poor’ Fabrics from the 15th to the 17th Century (I Tessuti ‘poveri’ tra XV e XVII secolo)
12. The ‘Teletta’ Coarse-Weave Fabric in Metal Thread: a Technique for Precious Fabrics (La ‘teletta’ in filato metallico: una tecnica per tessuti pregiati)
13. The Raw Materials of Weaving (Le materie prime per la tessitura: impariamo a conoscerle)
14. Tools and Accessories for Weaving, Past and Present ( Strumenti e accessori per la tessitura tra passato e presente)
15. Notions of Textile Conservation and Maintenance (Elementi per la conservazione e la manutenzione dei tessili)
16. Nature and Its Symbols in the Tapestries of the Sala dei Duegento in Palazzo Vecchio (La natura e i suoi simboli negli arazzi della Sala dei Duegento in Palazzo Vecchio)
Contact person Cecilia Cerchiarini
call +39 055-6801340(1)
or Write us