"Jacquard, Pagine di Cultura Tessile" Magazine - #Silk
A reference for textile culture "Jacquard. Pagine di cultura tessile" provides a forum for scholars who conduct research and investigation in various fields of study relating to ancient and contemporary textiles: fabrics, embroideries, laces, tapestries, costumes and traditional regional textile productions.

2015 – 2021. Diary of a “journey” for the reconstruction of fabrics destined for Dresden, the “Florence on the Elbe River”
Sabine Pretsch

A textile monument created for Augustus the Strong, the “Sun King of Saxony”, returns to the Dresden Royal Palace (Residenzschloss)
Sabine Schneider

Benozzo Gozzoli and Florentine Silk Production in the Second Half of the Fifteenth Century
Cristina Borgioli

La seta «dei grifoni araldici»
Laura D'Adamo

Lyon-Florence. Silk Production by the ‘Manufacture Peyron’ for the Royal Court at Palazzo Pitti
Gioele Tinnirello

Previous reconstruction projects from antiquity. Study, research, design, creation
Paola Marabelli
#Restoration#Velvet#History of Textile#18th century#Craftsmanship#Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio#Silk#Textile Fibers#Weaving#Vestment#Embroidery#Devotional Art#Textile Collection#History#History of a project#Drap D'Or#Historical recostruction of fabrics#Dresden#Dresden Royal Palace#Manifacture#Museum#Conservation#Paola Marabelli#Palazzo Madama#Madonna di Tirano#Cope of Saint Ubaldo#Jacquard88

Reweaving the “Lorenzetti” fabric and the new costume for the Captain of the People in Orvieto
Paola Marabelli

Technical aspects for the reconstruction of a hand-woven silk velvet and cloth of gold
Eva Basile

The 1831 Canuts Revolt in Lyon. The Art of Silk Weaving, the Workers’ Movement and Representation of Labour
Sandro Scarrocchia

The Textile Section of the Museum of Commodities Sciences of the La Sapienza University of Rome
Malgorzata Biniecka, Patrizia Falconi, Raffaella Preti

The fan: passion and private collecting today
Simona Lombardi

The last known industrial village: the Lisio silkmill at Ponte Ema
Cristiana Torti