"Jacquard, Pagine di Cultura Tessile" Magazine - #History of Textile

A reference for textile culture "Jacquard. Pagine di cultura tessile" provides a forum for scholars who conduct research and investigation in various fields of study relating to ancient and contemporary textiles: fabrics, embroideries, laces, tapestries, costumes and traditional regional textile productions.

"Textiles in Literature" - Sailcloth on Board the Florence

Anna Maria Colombo

A World on Their Shoulders . . . and Heads!

Simona Lombardi

An Elegant 19th-Century Chapel and its Textiles

Anna Maria Colombo

An Indo-Portuguese Quilt dating to circa 1630

Maria Daniela Lunghi e Claudia Santamaria

Archaeological textiles: knowledge and knowhow. An ethnographic exploration of a high-density nano world

Flavia Carraro

Buratti frangiati bianco-rossi nei corredi della Carnia

Maria Mansi

Conversation on San Giulio Island – Lake Orta: Miao Textiles and Clothing

Flavia Fiori

Dal tessuto di moda al pamento liturgico

Carla Cavelli Traverso

Dall’utile al dilettevole. Abiti da lavoro divenuti capi di moda

Roberto Bonito Fanelli

Designing Figured Textile Today

Julie Holyoke

Flemish-Iberian Weaving. 15th- and 16th-Century Painted Velvets in Sardinia, the Iberian Peninsula and Flanders

Clara Carta

Giacomo Borlone de’ Buschis. A preliminary consideration on fashion in late 15th century Valseriana

Alessio Francesco Palmieri-Marinoni

Il bisso marino: alla ricerca di un materiale perduto

Felicitas Maeder e Marcel Halbeisen

In memory of Flavia Fiori, insights from the journey of her extensive bibliography. An applied research methodology: damasks in the Novara area

Paola Marabelli

La Contrada Sovrana dell’Istrice e l’Arte della Seta Lisio. Una collaborazione dal 1927

Paola Marabelli

Mario Puliti e il laboratorio di tessitura dell’Istituto Statale d’Arte di Firenze

Annarita Caputo

Messages in Cloth. 17th- and 18th-Century Commercial Letters with Textile Swatches in the State Archives of Modena

Elisabetta Bazzani

Orientalism and Fashion in the Empire Period: an embroidered scarf from Genoa’s Textile Collections

Loredana Pessa e Claudia Santamaria

Quando la texture è arte

Renata Pompas

Solace: Devotional Images in Oleographic Print Fabrics

Simona Lombardi

Teaching Activities at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure: Restoration of Three Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio Fabrics on Cardboard Backings

Sara Bonadio, Elena Gualandris, Jasmine Sartor, Elisa Zonta

Tessuti tinti a riserva dell’Egitto romano e bizantino

Roberta Cortopassi

Textiles in Literature. Savelich and the List of the Master’s Possessions

Anna Maria Colombo

The Annunciation: Iconography of a ‘Succo d’Erba’

Simona Lombardi

The Historic Banners of the Friendly Societies. Restoration Reports

Laboratorio di Restauro Tessili Antichi Abbazia “Mater Ecclesiæ”, Isola San Giulio - Orta

The Palio of the Sienese

Fabiana Bari

The Story of an Elf. Ilene Alciati, Marionette-Maker

Anna Maria Colombo

The Tapestries for the XI Milan Triennale (1957). The Best Years of the Manufactory of Esino Lario

Maria Taboga

The fifteenth century in Valseriana. The figures in the sacred and profane repertory of Borlone’s frescoes

Patrizia Iorio

The striped fabric of Jacopone da Todi: cloth of the Devil or cloth of Christ?

Luciano Ghersi

Un damasco mediceo

Mary Westerman Bulgarella

Venetian faschion designer Franca Polacc and her work with Elda Cecchele

Irina Inguanotto

“Textiles in literature”. Moll Flanders steals Holland, lace and brocade

Anna Maria Colombo