"Jacquard, Pagine di Cultura Tessile" Magazine - #Restoration
A reference for textile culture "Jacquard. Pagine di cultura tessile" provides a forum for scholars who conduct research and investigation in various fields of study relating to ancient and contemporary textiles: fabrics, embroideries, laces, tapestries, costumes and traditional regional textile productions.

2015 – 2021. Diary of a “journey” for the reconstruction of fabrics destined for Dresden, the “Florence on the Elbe River”
Sabine Pretsch

A further note: the restoration of the banner of the musical band of Quiesa
Simona Lombardi

A textile monument created for Augustus the Strong, the “Sun King of Saxony”, returns to the Dresden Royal Palace (Residenzschloss)
Sabine Schneider

Archaeological textiles: knowledge and knowhow. An ethnographic exploration of a high-density nano world
Flavia Carraro

As Gentle as a Remembered Breeze. The Restoration of a 19th-Century Silk Shade
Simona Lombardi

Conserving the Ephemeral. Restoration of a 19th-Century Theatrical Crown
Lucia Miazzo

Conversation on San Giulio Island – Lake Orta: Miao Textiles and Clothing
Flavia Fiori

Disciplina tua, ipsa me docebit. The Compagnia di San Benedetto Bianco in Florence
Simona Lombardi

Elegance Overhead: a 19th Century Parasol
Adele Olivieri, Lucetta Lucarelli, Simona Lombardi

Il simulacro della Madonna di Cireggio (Verbania)
Laboratorio di Restauro Tessili Antichi dell’Abbazia Benedettina “Mater Ecclesiæ” dell’Isola San Giulio a Orta

La ferme: the story of an embroidery thought to be an engraving
Simona Lombardi e Martina Panuccio

Messages in Cloth. 17th- and 18th-Century Commercial Letters with Textile Swatches in the State Archives of Modena
Elisabetta Bazzani

Mourning Becomes Luxury. A Method for Consolidation of a Neoclassical Gown in Tulle and Stylistic Reconstruction of Its Underdress
Giusy Cusimano

On writing: the penwiper, an everyday object
Simona Lombardi e Lucetta Lucarell

Orientalism and Fashion in the Empire Period: an embroidered scarf from Genoa’s Textile Collections
Loredana Pessa e Claudia Santamaria

Pack Your Trunks – We’re Off!
Simona Lombardi e Lucetta Lucarelli

Previous reconstruction projects from antiquity. Study, research, design, creation
Paola Marabelli
#Restoration#Velvet#History of Textile#18th century#Craftsmanship#Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio#Silk#Textile Fibers#Weaving#Vestment#Embroidery#Devotional Art#Textile Collection#History#History of a project#Drap D'Or#Historical recostruction of fabrics#Dresden#Dresden Royal Palace#Manifacture#Museum#Conservation#Paola Marabelli#Palazzo Madama#Madonna di Tirano#Cope of Saint Ubaldo#Jacquard88

Study and Restoration of the Wig of a ‘Dressed Mannequin’
Giusy Cusimano

Tapestries: magnifi cent structures
Laura Bertuzzi e Simona Lombardi

Teaching Activities at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure: Restoration of Three Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio Fabrics on Cardboard Backings
Sara Bonadio, Elena Gualandris, Jasmine Sartor, Elisa Zonta

Technical aspects for the reconstruction of a hand-woven silk velvet and cloth of gold
Eva Basile

The American flag, past and present
Adele Olivieri e Simona Lombardi

The Historic Banners of the Friendly Societies. Restoration Reports
Laboratorio di Restauro Tessili Antichi Abbazia “Mater Ecclesiæ”, Isola San Giulio - Orta

The Our Lady of Sorrows in the Cathedral of Trento: clothes made by the workshop of Rinaldo Martini
Alice Simoncini

The fan: passion and private collecting today
Simona Lombardi

The restoration of the processional banner of the Blessed Sacrament of Moie (Ancona)
Simona Lombardi, Adele Olivieri e Melissa Ceriachi

Unusual painted fabrics: “succhi d’erba”
Simona Lombardi e Lucetta Lucarelli