"Jacquard, Pagine di Cultura Tessile" Magazine - #18th century
A reference for textile culture "Jacquard. Pagine di cultura tessile" provides a forum for scholars who conduct research and investigation in various fields of study relating to ancient and contemporary textiles: fabrics, embroideries, laces, tapestries, costumes and traditional regional textile productions.

2015 – 2021. Diary of a “journey” for the reconstruction of fabrics destined for Dresden, the “Florence on the Elbe River”
Sabine Pretsch

A textile monument created for Augustus the Strong, the “Sun King of Saxony”, returns to the Dresden Royal Palace (Residenzschloss)
Sabine Schneider

Dal tessuto di moda al pamento liturgico
Carla Cavelli Traverso

Eighteenth-Century Sicilian Fans. The Duke of Cesarò’s Unpublished Inventory of 1740
Elvira D'Amico

Falsi merletti della fine del secolo XVIII
Thessy Schoenholzer Nichols

Melchion Briosco ricamatore milanese
Bice Diana Montalto

Messages in Cloth. 17th- and 18th-Century Commercial Letters with Textile Swatches in the State Archives of Modena
Elisabetta Bazzani

Previous reconstruction projects from antiquity. Study, research, design, creation
Paola Marabelli
#Restoration#Velvet#History of Textile#18th century#Craftsmanship#Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio#Silk#Textile Fibers#Weaving#Vestment#Embroidery#Devotional Art#Textile Collection#History#History of a project#Drap D'Or#Historical recostruction of fabrics#Dresden#Dresden Royal Palace#Manifacture#Museum#Conservation#Paola Marabelli#Palazzo Madama#Madonna di Tirano#Cope of Saint Ubaldo#Jacquard88

Study and Restoration of the Wig of a ‘Dressed Mannequin’
Giusy Cusimano

Tapestries: magnifi cent structures
Laura Bertuzzi e Simona Lombardi

Technical aspects for the reconstruction of a hand-woven silk velvet and cloth of gold
Eva Basile

The Gianoli Merchants in Milan and the Campertogno Émigrés
Flavia Fiori

The Opulent Mantle Donated by the People of Valtellina to the Madonna of Tirano
Gianluigi Garbellini

The Theatrical Costumes of the Brothers Braccio and Ottaviano Compagni
Valentina Baldi

Through Others’ Eyes. When Fashion Turns Ridiculous
Anna Maria Colombo

Vestments belonging to the Church of San Pietro di Rovereto (Genoa)
Alessandra Molinari