Jacquard N°88 Speciale Dresda

2nd issue of the year 2021, July-December

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Dedicating an entire issue to a project is a way of highlighting a remarkable team effort involving months of work and ongoing discussions between staff members and clients, plus trials and stratagems to identify solutions, the search for materials, creation of samples and assembly of looms, culminating in the production of a huge quantity of hand-woven fabrics.

Reproducing the past, or rather “reconstructing” it, involves the implementation of procedures which the Fondazione Lisio has fine-tuned and tested over the years while keeping the focus on the original sample that provides the historical and technical indications that must be respected.

Even though modern-day tools are not the same as the ones used at the time the original sample was produced and even though the preparation of the yarns and dyes differ now from those in the past, we can still get as close as possible to the original woven fabric with our Jacquard hand-looms from our historic collection dedicated to ancient weaving, by reproducing the age-old techniques. We can thus recreate fabrics that replicate the quality and beauty of the past for which Italy has always set itself apart.

Acquista Jacquard N°88 Speciale Dresda

2nd issue of the year 2021, July-December

>> Single articles to purchase 

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Digital articles available for purchase

Other numbers of magazine

Jacquard N°89-90 uscita doppia

1st and 2nd issues of the year 2022, January-December

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Jacquard N°87

1st issue of the year 2021, January-June

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Jacquard N°86

2nd issue of the year 2020, July - December

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Jacquard Magazines Issues, 2025

The 2025 Jacquard Magazine subscription is available here at a reduced price. The subscription includes two issues of the current year (six-monthly magazine), the first issue is the nr.95 (January-June) , the second the nr.96 (July - December).

The magazines will be sent directly to your address, respectively around June and December;

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