Jacquard N°73
First issue of the year 2014, January - June
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The issue's trip through the world of textiles takes us to the heart of Chinese embroidery. Fashion and the art of weaving come together in an article devoted to the relationship between fashion designer Franca Polacco and Elda Cecchele. Moving from boutique fashion to traditional costumes, we learn about an item of women's headwear typical of the Alpine town of Pragelato. An interview with Ruth Scheuing reveals the world of a reserach scientist who uses GPS technology to express herself through weaving. The event "Arazzi nei Palazzi" provides an opportunity to meet several artists who have enhanced and renewed traditional weaving skills by bringing new vigour to artistic craftwork. Finally, we hear about a unusual example of fiber art born of a bird's instinct to use a number of different materials for the construction of its nest.

Acquista Jacquard N°73
First issue of the year 2014, January - June
>> Single articles to purchase

Chinese embroidery: schools, styles, techniques and stitches

Venetian faschion designer Franca Polacc and her work with Elda Cecchele

The fan: passion and private collecting today

Return to the future: from collecting textile to new design

Weaving with Cyborgs and Other Journeys, an interview with Ruth Scheuing

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