Jacquard N°78
2nd issue of the year 2016, July - December
>> Single articles to purchase
The new issue of Jacquard starts with an anthropological and ethnographic exploration of the research activities that guide and generate the reconstruction of ancient textile practices. It offers a new perspective on textile studies at the intersection of technical anthropology, scientific studies, history, sociology and the anthropology of knowledge.
Interdisciplinarity features again in the essay by a weaver-scholar who entertains us with a brilliant excursus of erudite insights and intriguing reflections on striped fabric and much more. Studded with apposite citations, it offers an expansive reading that broadens the horizons of the textile world.
This is followed by the study of a clothed mannequin of Our Lady of Dolours in the Cathedral of Trento which introduces us to the work of a Milanese embroiderer called Rinaldo Martini, who was active with his workshop in the second half of the nineteenth century.
The next two articles take us to China: the first explores the fascinating Chengdu Shu Brocade and Embroidery Museum in Sichuan province, while the second illustrates in detail a lady’s court robe with lavish embroidered decoration.
Then there are two pieces dealing with the Banners of the Piedmont Friendly Societies. One addresses the features and significance of these flags, while the other describes the restoration of several of them. There is also a restoration report on another banner: that of the Musical Band of Quiesa.
The issue ends with the tales of two artists, Gabriella Bottaru and Luigi Golin, who present their textile works in a dazzling array of colours, emotions and the experimentation of mixed techniques.

Acquista Jacquard N°78
2nd issue of the year 2016, July - December
>> Single articles to purchase

Archaeological textiles: knowledge and knowhow. An ethnographic exploration of a high-density nano world

The striped fabric of Jacopone da Todi: cloth of the Devil or cloth of Christ?

The Our Lady of Sorrows in the Cathedral of Trento: clothes made by the workshop of Rinaldo Martini

Shu Brocade and its Museum: The Shu Brocade and Embroidery Museum, 成都蜀 锦织绣博物馆”

Cheong-sam. A lady’s court robe

The Historic Banners of the Friendly Societies. Restoration Reports

A further note: the restoration of the banner of the musical band of Quiesa

My colours, my emotions and my memories. Recounting and transmitting emotions through weft and warp

Sunday wood engraver and accidental weaver
Other numbers of magazine

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The magazines will be sent directly to your address, respectively around June and December;
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