Jacquard N°74

2nd number of the year 2014, July - December

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Jacquard Issue 74

In this number: the first stop brings us to church vestments; the 18th and 19th century vestments of S. Pietro di Rovereto and two chasubles, a cope and a mitre created recently in Cremona by two artists, one wielding a needle, the other a brush. We follow this with a trip through the history of Chinese carpets, from their origins to the twentieth century, a quick visit to Valsesia to learn about scapin (the traditional footwear of the region), and then on to two restoration workshops for an illustration of  the conservation problems posed by two XVIII century tapestries and two XIX century painted canvases. After a glance at Fiber Art we take you to Paris for an exhibition full of stunning examples of how artists use woven fabrics as a form of expression, then back to Italy and Silvia Beccaria, who returns to show us her experiments with materials and the conquest of space.

Acquista Jacquard N°74

2nd number of the year 2014, July - December

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Vestments belonging to the Church of San Pietro di Rovereto (Genoa)

Alessandra Molinari

Painting and embroidery in liturgical vestments. Ancient skills revived in Cremona

Cardinale Giovanni Lajolo, Cristian Minuti e Tobia Beati

A history of Chinese carpets

Filippo Comisi

Scapin: folk art for feet

Anna Maria Colombo

Tapestries: magnifi cent structures

Laura Bertuzzi e Simona Lombardi

Unusual painted fabrics: “succhi d’erba”

Simona Lombardi e Lucetta Lucarelli


Marina Giordano

Silvia Beccaria: weaving between the visible and invisible

Anna Maria Colombo

Starting again from sacred art

Giancarlo Polenghi

Other numbers of magazine

Jacquard N°75

First issue of the year 2015, January - June

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Jacquard N°73

First issue of the year 2014, January - June

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Jacquard N°72

Second issue of the year 2013, July - December

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