Jacquard N°75
First issue of the year 2015, January - June
>> Single articles to purchase
This issue introduces us to the Treasury Museum at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Mercy in Savona, which holds an important collection of textiles. We then cross the world for a discussion of the history of Tibetan carpets, again with close-ups of interesting specimens with original decorative features and insights into the region’s complex history. The piece on Aemilia Ars needle lace takes us back to Bologna between the late 1800s and the Second World War, an important period for the development of the arts locally and nationally. Our reports on restoration work in this issue focus on a curious embroidered picture which until recently was thought to be an engraving, and a historic American flag. And the articles on Fiber Art spotlight the work of two leading contemporary exponents of textile art, Attiliana Argentieri and Lucia Buono. And finally, our regular column “Unusual” illustrates some unexpected ways in which textiles are used to tell stories of women and their world.

Acquista Jacquard N°75
First issue of the year 2015, January - June
>> Single articles to purchase

The Museum of the Sanctuary in Savona and its textile collection displays

La ferme: the story of an embroidery thought to be an engraving

The American flag, past and present

Parallel lives. Attiliana Argentieri between history and Fiber- Art

Paisley fantasies on jute canvas: the art of Lucia Buono

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Jacquard Magazines Issues, 2025
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The magazines will be sent directly to your address, respectively around June and December;
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