Studies are part of the scientific collaboration activities that the Lisio Foundation carries out with national and international museums.

February 01, 2024
The interpretation of the clothing in the ‘Stendardo di Orzinuovi’
The Stendardo di Orzinuovi, created in 1514 by Vincenzo Foppa, provides us with an authentic image of fashion in Lombardy in the first decade of the 16th century, an example of how clothing, in both the Milan and Bergamo-Brescia area, was still influenced by a style typical of the late 15th century.

June 17, 2022

January 10, 2022
Studio e Ricerca | Il “Ritratto del cavaliere Pietro Secco Suardo”

September 30, 2021
Studio e Ricerca | MORONI E LA MODA

August 06, 2021
Study and Research | Vestimentary analysis of the Palazzo Acaja frescoes

June 10, 2021