October 12, 2019
Seminar | "The evolution of precious fabrics from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance: technical and stylistic characteristics"
First of a couple of seminars addressed to the evolution of various decorative types used in textiles – flower and plant motifs and their meanings – from late medieval times to the Renaissance, as well as the development of taste and the idea of ‘fashion’ in clothing and furnishings.
"The evolution of precious fabrics in clothing and furnishings, from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance: technical and stylistic characteristics "

Chair: Lorenzo Pesci

The seminar addresses the evolution of various decorative types used in textiles – flower and plant motifs and their meanings – from late medieval times to the Renaissance, as well as the development of taste and the idea of ‘fashion’ in clothing and furnishings.

The material presented, paradigms of the very best of the period’s textile production, first and foremost Italian, is made up in large part of a vast iconographic repertory, projected in the classroom, and for the rest, exhibition of a selected sampler of period textile products: a series of ‘historic’ church paraments conserved over the centuries by the territory’s churches.

saturday 12th of October, 2019

10am - 1pm | 2pm - 5pm

at Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio

via Benedetto Fortini 143, 50125 Firenze

Students, students of history of costume,  history of fashion, historical tailoring, tour guides, art critics, cultural and textile heritage operators, enthusiasts.

Certificate of attendance

To register, please send the enrollment form to the mail address didat@fondazionelisio.org ; then pay the fee by credit cars through the form at the end of the page

or pay by  offline payments 


  • 36,00 € 

free lunch (delivery takeout available)

How to enroll for Seminar | "The evolution of precious fabrics from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance: technical and stylistic characteristics"

Subscriptions are momentarily closed.