Chair: Sara Piccolo Paci
As one of the most adaptable and functional forms of container, the bag has always played a fundamental role in the economy of labour and commerce.
But looks matter, and above all in the last two centuries bags and purses have taken on a different valence, with deeper-reaching and more complex ramifications than ever before.
Together, we will be looking at how women’s bags have evolved from the late 1700s through today and exploring the value of the bag from the commercial and communicative points of view, as well as some of the names which have made the women’s handbag their strong point.
saturday 14th of September, 2019
10am - 1pm | 2pm - 5pm
at Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio
via Benedetto Fortini 143, 50125 Firenze
Students, students of history of costume, history of fashion, historical tailoring, tour guides, art critics, cultural and textile heritage operators, enthusiasts.
Certificate of attendance
To register, please send the enrollment form to the mail address didat@fondazionelisio.org ; then pay the fee by credit cars through the form at the end of the page
or pay by offline payments
- 36,00 €
free lunch (delivery takeout available)