Echoing the title of two recent, fortunate publications on the style and the influence of Cosimo I de' Medici and Eleonora di Toledo, MediceaManiera - Moda a Firenze, XV - XVII secolo pays homage to the story of a family whose name is intrinsically bound to Florence, synonymous with art, beauty and creativity, a real driving force in politics, economics and culture. Among its excellences, high fashion and craftsmanship stand out, making Florence and the Medici family rule in the panorama of European courts since the 15th century.
On the occasion of Pitti 2022, Museo de' Medici presents an exhibition conceived and carried out by Matteo Chincarini to illustrate and describe significant aspects of excellence in fashion from the 15th to the 17th century, periods in which the Medici family wrote capital pages of history and culture.
Merging philological reconstruction and artistic interpretation, MediceaManiera sets a dialogue with the permanent collection of the Sforza Almeni palace, thus enriching the visit and offering new material consistency to the so-called "minor arts" of the Renaissance and the Baroque periods.
Garments and fabrics, jewels and accessories inspired by historical portraits and original artifacts bring back to life and make tangible again that wealth apparatus which built and expressed the status, prestige and power of Lords and Madonnas, Duchesses and Grand Dukes, Bankers and Patrons.
Una selezione di tessuti storici realizzati su modelli ricavati da reperti originali e tratti dall’archivio storico Lisio illustrano insieme agli abiti di Lo Piparo l’evoluzione della moda fiorentina tra Rinascimento e Barocco:
A selection of historical fabrics, woven after models from extant sources and taken from the Lisio historical archive, doubles the costumes in illustrating the evolution of Florentine textiles and fashion among the centuries:
between fabrics exhibition:
- "Mercurio" Velvet
- "Chigi" Velvet
- "Pigna" Velvet
- "Gigliato" Velvet
- "Parisina" Velvet
- "Roselline" Velvet
- "Samurai" Velvet
a twofold display that converges in a creation specially made for the exhibition with the precious "Palio II" red Velvet, the pattern of this velvet, created in two variants, faithfully reproduces that of a typical 16th-century velvet manufactured in Florence for an entire century, beginning in the mid-1500s.

Fabio lo Piparo
PhD in History of Arts, Fabio Lo Piparo investigates and puts into action Ancient Performance in its whole spectrum, from acting to dance, from singing to costume. With the label FABER·FAB, since 2015 Fabio has developed his self- taught search path on period clothing for the contemporary performer, focusing mainly on European Renaissance and Baroque Fashion and intending the costume as the first space for the body to settle in, the very meeting ground between actor and character. By means of historical accuracy in sources, materials and techniques, carefully interpreted towards present times, Fabio is a creator of “Material Ghosts” able to retain and deliver a cluster of movements, gestures and expressions which leads the informed wearer to effectively reenact by-gone identities. As a costume designer and historical tailor, Fabio works on bespoke commissions for selected clients and cooperates with performance productions, cultural activities and exhibitions in Italy and abroad.

Tharros Bijoux
Partner of the event, Tharros Bijoux contributes to enrich Fabio Lo Piparo’s tailored creations. For the past twenty years, the firm has been making jewels, masks and artistic objects for theatrical productions and staging, cinema, fashion shows and International photo shooting. Tharros Bijoux was in fact chosen to supply all the jewels for the actors of the second season of the TV series “The Medici”. The unmistakable style and the extraordinary ability to faithfully reproduce the wonderful jewels represented in famous artists’ works, have contributed to important collaborations, to the opening of shops and a laboratory in the city center. Tharros Bijoux’s is a real journey trough the world of metalworking, the cutting of semi-precious stones, jewerly in every aspect. Everything was born by chance, as beatiful things are, in the 1970s in Rome, in the middle of an era of student protest and artistic fervour under various influences.

Sina Villa Medici
The history of Costume continues at the hotel Sina Villa Medici, a reference point for Florentine hospitality since 1958, which opens its doors to the city and welcomes two more works tailored by Fabio Lo Piparo in the refined rooms overlooking the garden and the swimming pool. A glittering gem in the heart of Florence, the hotel Sina Villa Medici, which as the name suggests has always had a deep connection with the history of the Medici, is the Main Sponsor of the event. Synonymous with elegance, the hotel enriches the exhibition thanks to the scenographic atmosphere of a timeless place, where history and modernity are harmonized in a suggestive play of nuances and colours.

Museo de' Medici
Fabio Lo Piparo’s tailored works fully restore the splendour and elegance of the clothes that the portraits of our collection can just let leak out and they really do with historical accuracy and quality of materials. Gorgiere, damasks and lace displayed in our rooms will create an unprecedented path of history of costume which, in conjunction with the great event of Pitti Uomo, represents an opportunity of exceptional consistency for which I am grateful to the curator Matteo Chincarini. "
Director of Museo De’Medici of Palazzo Sforza Almeni
Fabio Lo Piparo presents : "Medice Maniera - Moda a Firenze, XV-XVII secolo"
conceived by: Matteo Chincarini
WHEN: from January, 10 to February 18, 2022 Extended to April 18, 2022
WHERE: Museo de' Medici, via dei Servi 12, Firenze
Partners: Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio; Tharros Bijoux
Main sponsor: Sina Villa Medici
LINK: www.museodemedici.com/medicea-maniera.html